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Creating a healthy and thriving sorority and fraternity community increasingly requires the strategic investment of multiple key campus partners, and student affairs leaders are most uniquely positioned to provide strategic support to this very complex and distinct functional area. The presenters will appropriately frame and contextualize what strong sorority and fraternity professional work should look like, discuss how to engage from their unique organizational level, and share ways to leverage support from fraternity and sorority life students and alumni to advance institutional goals.
Main Presenter:
Carolyn Whittier
Volunteer, Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors - Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors
Additional Presenters:
StevenSteven JanowiakJanowiak
Vice President for Student LifeFormer Vice President for Student Life - Valparaiso UniversityValparaiso University
Supporting and Leveraging Your Sorority and Fraternity Community: An Intensive for AVPs
Pre-symposium Workshop
Location: Massey A
Professional Competencies
• Leadership - Intermediate, Organizational and Human Resources - Intermediate
AVP Competencies
• Leadership and strategic vision, Politics
Content Areas
• Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Success
Institutional Type
• Mid-Size Colleges & Universities, Small Colleges & Universities