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Access Your Assignments

Select My Reviewing Assignments in the lefthand menu to navigate to the programs you are assigned to review. From this menu, you will be able to see your assigned program and open each one to read the full submission and respond to the reviewer questions. 

For additional guidance on the review process for the 2025 NASPA Annual Conference, view the Call for Reviewers page and the FAQ page (Program Reviews section) on the Annual Conference website.


Review Event Program Proposals

There are two steps to signing up as a NASPA program reviewer:


1. You must first create a reviewer profile. You can submit your reviewer profile or view/change an existing profile by clicking here.

Complete Reviewer Profile

2. Sign up to review for specific events using the event-specific forms below. 


2025 Conferences on Student Success in Higher Education   

Click Here

Review Awards Submissions



Other Reviewer Opportunities

There may be other opportunities not listed here, for which direct communications have been shared.